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School of Thought – headspace Bathurst outreach into schools’ program

Is your teen struggling with their mental health? Adolescence is a crucial time for emotional and social development and approximately 50% of mental illness starts to develop in adolescence. As part of SASC student Wellbeing initiative, SASC have partnered with headspace Bathurst to offer the ‘School of Thought’ program to our senior school. School of Thought is designed to provide support to young people struggling with their mental health – to help get them back on track and strengthen their ability to manage their mental health into future. 

headspace Bathurst will be running FREE psychoeducation and skill building groups for senior school students at Scots All Saints College during school terms, to:

  • Promote early intervention of mental health issues.
  • Normalise difficult emotions such as feeling down, tense, angry or anxious
  • Build skills in noticing feelings, and how they may impact on our life if not addressed
  • Build skills in how to navigate difficult emotions and situations

School of Thought is a voluntary program and spaces are limited. Please direct all inquiries to the SASC Health & Wellbeing Team at wellbeing@scotsallsaints.nsw.edu.au

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